My nearly 80 year old great uncle, Uncle Chief, had an appointment at the Emory eye clinic to have a shot... in his eye. As if this knowledge wasn't gross enough, Uncle Chief used the trip into Atlanta to regale us with tales of all of the eye injuries that he has sustained over the years. Sawdust in the eye. A small piece of iron shaving in the eye. Grease in the eye. The last was remedied by the doctor taking his eyeball out of the socket, washing out the grease, and then replacing the eyeball. Aren't you glad I shared?
On what is bound to be the most gorgeous day of my spring break, we spent 4 hours sitting in the waiting room of an Emory eye clinic. Even with daddy pointing out the resemblance of our waiting room peers to Gilmore Girls characters, it was a little on the boring side. As we neared the end of the long wait, I noticed the fire escape plan on the wall.
Let me remind you that this is an eye clinic. These patients have trouble seeing details, that is why they are there. I don't think that I could have gotten out according to this plan. Thank goodness there wasn't a fire.

Fire Escape Plan for 3rd floor Eye Clinic at Emory.

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