Tuesday, June 07, 2005


I am sick.

I started feeling bad Monday towards the end of language class and it has been down hill since then, which is why I didn't make it up here to post yesterday.

Daddy, before you get too worried and try to rush a passport application to come get me, I do not think that it is the bird flu. Rather, I think that it is just a common sinus thing or small cold. I am running a low grade fever that rises and falls in a directly inverse correlation to the amount of Ibuprofen in my blood stream. I also have a headache that pretty much does the same (by the way, the Chinese way of saying headache sounds like "toe tongue.") My nose has not been stuffy and I am able to breath with my mouth closed, even at night. The worst part is my very sore throat and mild ear ache. From what source the excess mucus is orginating, I do not know, but I wish that it would stop and I could have a Sudafed free day. If I was a bit more lethargic and if I had not already had this particular "you should only get once in your life, like chicken pox" disease twice, I would say that it is mono; the glands in my neck are certainly large enough.

I think that I have written in a previous post about how I always call home before taking medicine because I never seem to remember the side effects of decongestants and antihestimines. Well, obviously, it was a little more difficult to call home this time and besides, it seems as though I only brought one type of cold medicine with me. (What was I thinking?) So on Monday night, I took the knock-off Target cold and sinus medicine. As soon as I swallowed, I remembered that the decongestant in it is the generic Sudafed, which I do not do well with at night. For a moment, I thought about gagging myself before I could absorb the medicine, but decided that throwing up would hurt my already sore throat too much. And so I settled down for a night of little sleep. You know how sometimes you will just be laying still and then all of a sudden you will jump for no reason? Or when you are about to fall asleep in class and as your head falls, you suddenly jerk awake? That was me, all night long. During the little sleep that I managed to get, I had strange dreams. One of you, my dear readers, made it into my pseudoephedrine-hyped dreams, though you will remain nameless since you had three heads and you really didn't come out in the best light.

Since Monday, I have decided that I will have to make do on Advil only through the night.

My goal for today is to make it until 4 oclock. I have a lunch appointment and then one at 2.

I don't have time for more right now, but I must remember to tell you about my first experience dining alone and about my coffee drink on Monday.

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