For the past two summers I was pretty good about blogging while I was out of the country. I thought that I might give it another try even though I will be here most of the summer.To get it started, here are 103 things about me that you may or may not have known:1. I hiccup.
2. A lot.
3. I hate bananas.
4. I love anything chocolate
5. Except chocolate covered bananas
6. I consider myself to be a smart person.
7. And a funny person.
8. And generally a pretty cool person to be around.
9. I’m also surprisingly insecure.
10. Social situations make me nervous.
11. I have a thing for numbers.
12. I love prime numbers.
13. I once made a roommate change our number because it had too many even numbers.
14. My childhood ambition was to be a pediatrician.
15. I failed biology my sophomore year in college.
16. I use to swear that I would never teach. No matter what I did, it wouldn’t be teaching.
17. I just finished my 4th year teaching.
18. I love coffee.
19. I also love skim milk.
20. I usually read 4 books at once.
21. During the summer, I can average a book every 4 days.
22. My family goes to the beach every year.
23. I love vacations with my family.
24. My favorite vacation was the time we went to Louisiana and just drove around. We went on a tour of a rice cake factory.
25. Also, at Thanksgiving and Christmas, we usually go out to the woods and shoot guns at various inanimate objects.
26. I am the oldest of three girls.
27. Most of the time, I like being the oldest.
28. I adore my sisters. And my parents.
29. I can make fun of them, but I will get ticked if you do.
30. My youngest sister moved to Minnesota this year. I miss her.
31. My middle sister is getting married. I miss her too.
32. I am vain about my eyelashes. They are perfect.
33. I sing loudly.
34. I love to bake.
35. I would love to open my own bakery and make cookies all day.
36. My favorite cookies are ginger snaps.
37. 37 is my favorite number.
38. I love to take baths.
39. I love someone playing with my hair.
40. I would pay someone to wash and brush my hair everyday.
41. seriously
42. I love traveling.
43. I have to take anxiety medication to fly.
44. I have been to 6 foreign countries.
45. I am going to go to 2 more this summer.
46. I wouldn’t mind living overseas at some point in my life.
47. I speak a little Chinese.
48. I have a fantastic group of friends.
49. The last time I got angry at someone it was because he called my friends judgmental.
50. I yelled at him.
51. I never yell.
52. I can count on one hand the number of time I have yelled at someone.
53. I avoid conflict if at all possible.
54. I have a hard time saying no if someone asks me to do something. Even if it is inconvenient for me.
55. I am really easy to get along with.
56. Probably because I am a pansy and avoid conflict.
57. I really want people to like me.
58. I want to be described as nice.
59. I am not nice.
60. I screen phone calls.
61. I’m not good at returning phone calls.
62. I don’t like to do things that I am not good at.
63. I am learning to play pool.
64. I am not good at it.
65. I can’t spell.
66. Or type.
67. I wish that I were a good writer.
68. I can’t stand it when people use quotation marks inappropriately.
69. Air quotes are even worse.
70. I love Sunday afternoon naps.
71. especially in the summer when it’s hot outside and the sheets are cool
72. I am pretty independent.
73. My greatest fear is being alone the rest of my life.
74. I am dating an amazing man.
75. I have flat feet.
76. I had to wear corrective shoes as a child.
77. If I stand for too long, it makes my knees hurt.
78. I wear a digital watch.
79. It drives my mom crazy.
80. But not as much as the rubber band I wear on my other wrist.
81. I am a bit of a dork.
82. I like to think that you wouldn’t realize it by looking at me.
83. I suspect that I am wrong.
84. On a daily basis, I read the blogs of several people I don’t know.
85. I recently found out that my boyfriend knows one of the girls I blog stalk.
86. I am a little jealous that he knows her and I don’t.
87. And a little worried that if he starts reading her blog, he will like her more than me.
88. Did I mention that I am surprisingly insecure?
89. My favorite flowers are daffodils but they make my sinuses go crazy.
90. I hate running but I try to like it.
91. I took about 12 years of piano lessons but I know I can’t play a piece all the way through.
92. I also played the trumpet but wish I played the cello.
93. I like to have conversations when I am tired because my barriers are down and I will really say what is on my mind.
94. I am more of a morning person. I get much more done in the morning.
95. There are days in the summer when I don’t get out of my pajamas.
96. Or if I am at home home, out of my bathing suit.
97. I hate to do laundry.
98. I will wear clothes dirty.
99. The jeans I am wearing now are dirty.
100. I am going to start to blog more.
101. Like the summers when I was in Asia.
102. I probably will forget to blog by next week.
103. I am glad not to be in Asia this summer.