Here's the story:
My parents are adding on to their house. Monday evening Daddy and I walked out there to see what the workers accomplished for the day. There is a board (4x10?) that you use to get into the new section since it is like 4 feet off the ground. I had just slipped on a pair of momma's shoes to go out there and going up I was fine.
One the way out Davy was at the bottom of the board waiting for us and as I stepped out on the board, daddy said, "Wait a second Davy, Beth will be down to play with you in just a minute." He didn't realize how quickly I would be down on the ground. The board was damp from earlier rain. My right foot slipped and I twisted off to the right. Most of my body landed in (and demolished) a butterfly bush and my left leg came down on the board.
Blood and tears followed quickly. Daddy insisted that we make a trip to the ER in case I needed a couple of stitches and so that they could clean it out well. No stitches were needed, but they did give me pain medication (which made me throw up all day Tuesday).
Here are the pictures that momma took on Tuesday to send to Rebecca and Melissa:

And now for your viewing pleasure, this is what it looks like today:

Gross, huh?
Ew girl - you nasty!
Yep. That looks like it might have hurt.... kinda.
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