Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Manic Depressive

Today, I came face to face with what happens when the following things collide:
- extreme lack of sleep
- thoughts of another late school night because of Open House
- 2 classes of underpreforming, ungrateful, poorly behaved ninth graders
- an upper level Honors class that won't give you a break for getting a problem wrong
- a search for a wedding location

I had a meltdown.

Who knew that an engagement would make me manic depressive.


Wendy said...

At least the manic part is fun.....

Anonymous said...

No, Beth dear, 4 out of the 5 issues have nothing to do with being engaged. It's called teaching! TEACHING is what makes you a manic depressive!! Haha!

Beth said...

Thanks for the perspective. You've totally got a point.

Beth said...


Anonymous said...

they have drugs for this you know! :)