Saturday, July 22, 2006


Lest I actually have a month of vacation solely devoted to nothing but laying by the pool, strongly encouraged by my departement chair and my new principal, I enrolled in the gifted endorsement course offered by Cobb County.

What was I thinking??????

I like the material (after all, I spent all of my school years in gifted classes) and I think there are a lot of ideas being presented that will make me a better teacher all around. Not to mention the promise of actually getting to teach the advanced courses. (I recently found out that this year I am going to get to teach Analysis- the gifted Pre-Cal course. I am excited and terrified all at the same time.)

But the work required for this class has been overwhelming. It only lasts for 8 days- all of last week and Mon, Tues., Wed. of this next week. Class is from 8:30-3:15 everyday with a 30 minute break for lunch. But then I come home (a new home for me, by the way, but that will have to wait for a different blog when I am not feeling so overwhelemed), and I have to read between 30 and 50 pages of scholary journals. I love to read, but scholarly journals make me want to cut my own eyes out with a grapfruit spoon so that I will have a reason to never have to read them again. And on top of that we have to write 6 annotated bibilographies. I am on the 4th and so far have written 10 pages worte of work. I swore after grad school that I would never to another annotated bibilography. I can't believe that I let these sneak up on me.

After this class ends, I have to take another one that meets twice a month during the school year and follow that with another week and a half course next summer. Finally I will be gifeted endorsed.

But the question I am thinking about now, as I procrastinate these papers, is does this mean that I intend to stay in education longer then the 4 years I said I was in it for?

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