Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Jet Lag

I once heard it said concerning jet lag that it takes 1 day to recover for each hour of the time difference. 1 day down out of 12.

Sunday, after getting home around midnight, I was wide awake until 3AM and then woke up at 8. I think that my body assumed that I was just laying down for a long afternoon nap.

Last night, my goal was to stay awake until 10 PM. I managed to stay out of bed that long by watching the first episode of LOST (I picked up both seasons in my DVD run so that I could catch up on the hype). After that I went to bed and thought that I would try to read for a while. After I literally dopped my book twice, I decided that I just couldn't do it.

As I drifted off, I thought to myslef that I would surly sleep through the night becasue I was so incredibily tired. But no. 2 AM wide awake.

I managed to go back to sleep about 3:30, but only to wake up every 45 minutes or so. I finally got up at 6.

I am pretty sure that you didn't want to know so much detail about my sleeping patterens, but it may do you good to understand why I am no fun at night. Give me a week.

Happy 4th.

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