Friday, November 03, 2006

I like teaching. Really I do.

And I like high school. I remember the fun stuff that wasn't learning and so I recognize how important that kind of thing is. That is why today I dumped my geometry plans to review sine, cosine and tangents in favor of taking my classes to the auditorium to watch the One Act Play. (Plus, who really wants to try to fight the Homecoming Friday Hype in order to review trig functions?)

But just now one of my trig students came in to critique my teaching. He means well, but I don't think he has a clue as to how badly he hurt my feelings. And it isn't that he was wrong in what he said. On the contrary, he was far too spot on. He accused me of not being personal enough and pushing them too hard. (In turn, I accused him and the class at whole of always misbehaving and not putting forth a valid effort.) And he is right.

I like teaching, but there are some days I hate me the teacher.

I hate being stern. I hate threatening to call home. I hate pleading with students to try. I hate being forced to cut out the fun things of high school because they can't behave during the non-fun parts.

Thank goodness it is Friday afternoon and I don't have to be me the teacher until Monday.


melissa said...

If it makes you feel better, I got yelled at by a nurse today because she didn't know how to do her job and the doctor couldn't find the information that he wanted. But she yelled at me for her own incompetence.

Pam said...

When I created this blog name, I thought P for Me and W for him and together it would be PW-Parental Wisdom, You would be able to tell our advice apart because mine would be sympathetic, you-can-do-it, it-will-get-better and his would be slightly cynical, outrageous or over the top, get-them-while-they're down or better yet, wait-till-they-don't-expect-it-and-get-them-then. It looks as if all his advice with be in the form of Daddy sezs as in "Daddy sezs when someone talks to him that way he tells Ellen to have Joel repo the car and then he goes to the gym."