Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The First Amazing Race Blog

The Amazing Race is the only show that I watch religiously. Every Tuesday at 9:00 PM you will find Rebecca and I sharing the couch and cheering on our favorite team. We actually started the application process for the next season, but my conflicting summer plans and our parent's unwillingness to be the 3rd & 4th members of our team (something new they are doing next season) but a damper on it. One day we will be on the show and we feel that the devotion now is just research.

Last night was a special 2-hour episode and it proved to be exciting until the very end.

Ray and Deana were the last to make it to the checkpoint and got kicked off. This is very good since we hated them. They were mean to each other and Ray kept saying mean things about the old couple, who we like.

Greg and Brian came in sixth. They had a great comeback after flipping their jeep and falling far behind. We like them for 3 reasons: 1. They are siblings, 2. They are hot, and 3. Greg graduated from Auburn.

Gretchen and Meredith were 5th at the end of the show. Wow. What an amazing comeback since they started the last leg with only their passports and the clothes on their backs. Though they aren't as great as past seasons old couples, they get an automatic thumbs up from us because they are old. It is amazing that they have made it this far.

Lynn and Alex- 4th I am kind of ambivalent about this team. Rebecca doesn't like them but hates other teams more.

Uchenna and Joyce- 3rd. This team is our favorite. They laugh with one another and are nice to others. Plus, we feel that they could benefit the most from the money.

Rob & Amber- HATE THEM. Seriously hate them. These two have already made money on Survivor and they are just jerks. Last night they are the only team that didn't stop to ask the brothers if they were okay after the wreck. Somehow they keep managing to squeeze into the top 3 teams. I am okay with any of the other teams winning as long as it is not Rob and Amber.

Ron & Kelly- 1st. I like this team because Ron is local and a war hero (though he talks about it too much). I could do without Kelly.

Every time the team has to pick one person to perform a task, Rebecca and I choose who would do it. Keep in mind that one person can only perform 6 of these roadblocks over the course of the season. So far, this is how we stand:
Shoe Shining on the streets in Peru- Rebecca
Eating all of that nasty meat- Beth
Riding the horses- Rebecca
Shopping for orphans- Rebecca
Learning to throw the spear with the half naked African tribal guys- Beth

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