Monday, April 04, 2005

Mr. & Mrs. Cousineau

A friend recently started a list of non-obvious and non-romantic reasons to get married. His first reason is to have someone take care of his dog when he goes on business trips. Secondly, to save money at the grocery store. (What single person can finish a loaf of bread or half a gallon of milk before it goes bad?)

I took to adding a few things to the list:
- I want to marry in order to have someone who will pay the bills. Not in the sense that I want him to be the sole provider, but in the reality that I am awful at keeping up with when things are due.
- It would be nice to have someone who could share the task of making it to the leasing office before they close. I usually have to leave packages sitting for several days before I can make it home in time for their retrieval.
- I think that the bonds of matrimony assure you a date to every semi-awkward/boring social gathering- think class reunions, holiday parties, etc.
- Hopefully, marriage will guarantee that I will never have to forgo a pickle because I am unable to get the jar open.

I am sure that the list could go on ad infinitum.

But Saturday night was different. Two of my friends stood at the front of a church in Inman Park and proclaimed their love for one another. The potential humor factor was very high. (Another friend got ordained over the internet in order to officiate the ceremony.) However, it was one of the sweetest weddings I have ever attended.

As they stared into one another's eyes, they spoke of the bigger things in life- joy, love, and a sense of finding home. Both verbally and silently, they made promises to each other. They spoke of the sovereignty of God in bringing them together and their dependence on Him to grow their marriage. In front of us, two started to meld into one.

Forgot all those other reasons. I want to get married for what I saw take place Saturday night.

Congratulations Lanette and Karl.

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