Sunday, June 04, 2006

Here we go again

I hope that you are ready for another fun summer of entertaining (and poorly spelled since I don't know what "spell check" looks like in Chinese) blogs.

We arrived after a good 24-26 (I lost count) hours of travel. My friends, Xanax is a glorious creation. I was able to sleep a lot on the long flight that went directly over the North Pole. The last flight I tried to do unmedicated and it was the bumpiest we had.

Our rooms are like really small hotel or dorm rooms with really hard beds. Of course, I think that we are paying about 4 bucks a day, so I can't really complain.

I don't have any good stories yet. I am still really tired.

But don't worry, tomorrow I start classes and I am sure that after I sit through just 1 intermediacte level class, I will have made a fool of myself and have some stories to share.

By the way, with the whole missing out thing, I am really just a baby. I am doing much better.

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