Thursday, June 01, 2006

Off to the other side of the World

While I was drying my hair yesterday morning, I suddenly realized that I only had two more nights to sleep in my bed. That is how I count down days until big events.

What I didn’t account for was that if I went to bed right this second, I would get less than 3 hours of sleep. And I am obviously not going to bed right this second.

If I am completely honest with you, my anonymous blog readers, I would have to admit that it has been a little hard to get myself geared up for this trip.

Not too long along, Rebecca observed that she believes I don’t like change. To a degree, she is probably right, but I think that my issue goes deeper than that. In fact, I think that it is one of my driving forces. The simple fact of the matter is that I do not like the idea of missing out on something.

And it is this little fact that explains so much about me.

It explains why, as a child, I was always the last one to order my ice cream at Baskin Robbins. With 31 flavors, I was sure to miss out if I decided on one.

It explains why I am a constant over-achiever and run myself ragged trying to do too much. If I can just be involved in everything, then I am not missing out on any of it.

It explains why I will usually wait until the last minute to make plans. Wendy and I use to accuse the Mike and Charlie of waiting for a better offer before settling on plans with us, but I am just as guilty.

It explains why I avoid conflict like the plague. Everyone has to be happy with me so that I am not missing out on the inside jokes or fun times.

And it explains why I am not as excited about this trip as I feel I should be. This year, my friends and family and their plans sound like they offer a better option than studying abroad for a month.

I guess that sometimes you just have to miss out.

The next time you hear from me, I will be 12 hours ahead.

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